T.Adorno (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., China & Liverpool Univ., UK) |
Photon emission accompanying vacuum instability under the action of a quasi-constant electric field
D.Ageev (Steklov Inst., Moscow) |
Entanglement islands in boundary conformal field theories
E.Akhmedov (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology & Inst. for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) |
What is quantum field theory in de Sitter space
I.Aleksandrov (St.Petersburg State Univ.) |
Kinetic theory of electron-positron pair production in rotating electric fields
M.Alfimov (HSE Univ., Moscow & Lebedev Inst., Moscow & Moscow Engineering Physics Inst.) |
On dual description of 2D integrable sigma models
I.Alikhanov (North-Caucasus Federal Univ., Stavropol) |
Excitation of the Glashow resonance far below the PeV region
B.Altshuler (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Schwarzschild deformed supergravity background: possible geometry origin of fermion generations and mass hierarchy
A.Arbuzov (JINR, Dubna) |
NLO solutions of DGLAP evolution equations in QED
E.Arbuzova (Dubna State Univ. & Novosibirsk State Univ.) |
Gravitational baryogenesis and high energy cosmic rays
I.Aref'eva (Steklov Inst., Moscow) |
Holography for heavy ions collisions
V.Belokurov (Moscow State Univ.) |
Path integrals in quadratic gravity
A.Belavin (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka) |
Conformal bootstrap and Heterotic string Gepner models
M.Belyakova (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Spin-independent interactions of Dirac Dark Matter fermions with nucleons in the composite Higgs models
A.Berezhnoy (Skobeltsyn Inst., Moscow) |
Nonfactorizable charm loop in radiative leptonic FCNC decays
V.Berezin (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
Induced gravity and cosmological particle production
E.Boos (Skobeltsyn Inst., Moscow) |
Current status of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT)
L.Bork (CFRA VNIIA, Moscow & Inst. for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) |
Scattering аmplitudes and form factors in N=4 SYM on the Coulomb branch
A.Breev (Tomsk State Univ.) |
Vacuum instability in QED with an asymmetric electric field. New example of an exactly solvable case
V.Bunichev (Skobeltsyn Inst., Moscow) |
Search for dark matter mediators using spin correlations in single top quark production processes
D.Bykov (Steklov Inst., Moscow & ITMP Moscow State Univ.) |
Supersymmetric deformation of the CP1 model and its conformal limits
S.Demidov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
Multiparticle amplitudes in \lambda\phi4 theory
D.Diakonov (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology) |
Banana diagrams as functions of geodesic distance
S.Didenko (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Unconstrained all-order higher-spin vertices
V.Dmitriev (Saratov State Univ.) |
Quasiclassical and quantum radiation in the graphene
V.Dokuchaev (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
Finding the valid gravity theory from observations of black hole silhouettes
A.Dolgov (Novosibirsk State Univ.) |
Seeding of cosmic structures by primordial black holes
M.Dubinin (Skobeltsyn Inst., Moscow) |
Dark matter and lepton universality with three generations of sterile Majorana neutrinos
L.Dudko (Moscow State Univ.) |
Search for Dark Matter with top quark production processes at modern colliders
M.Dvornikov (Pushkov Inst., Moscow) |
Superfluidity in a neutrino cluster
T.Dzhatdoev (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
The unique gamma-ray burst GRB 221009A and its relevance for astroparticle physics
S.Fedoruk (JINR, Dubna) |
Infinite spin particle in background gravitational field
A.Fedotov (Moscow Engineering Physics Inst.) |
Aspects of nonperturbativity in strong field QED
D.Fursaev (JINR, Dubna) |
Perturbations of classical fields caused by gravitational shock Waves
D.Galakhov (Inst. of Information Transmission Problems, and Kurchatov Inst., Moscow) |
Supersymmetric polynomials and algebro-combinatorial duality
D.Gal'tsov (Moscow State Univ.) |
Separable supergravity backgrounds
S.Gavrilov (Herzen Univ., St.Peterburg & Tomsk State Univ.) |
Schwinger mechanism of magnon-antimagnon pair production on magnetic field inhomogeneities and the bosonic Klein effect
D. Gitman (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Ressonante entanglement of photon beams by a magnetic field
S.Godunov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Equivalent photons approximation for pp colliders: libepa and its applications
A.Gorsky (Inst. of Information Transmission Problems, Moscow) |
KPZ scaling from the Krylov space and the road to quantum chaos
M.Grigoriev (Univ. of Mons & Lebedev Inst., Moscow & ITMP Moscow State Univ.) |
Minimal models of local gauge theories
A.Isaev (JINR, Dubna & Moscow State Univ.) |
Conformal triangles and zig-zag diagrams
E.Ivanov (JINR, Dubna) |
${\cal N}=2$ supersymmetric higher spins in the harmonic approach
R.Jafarov (Baku State Univ.) |
A Relativistics equations for bound-states with solutions
D.Kalashnikov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
MCP searches at ee colliders
A.Kalugin (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology) |
Peculiarities of Schwinger-DeWitt technique: double poles, surface terms and determinant anomalies
O.Kancheli (Kurchatov Inst., Moscow) |
Parton models and limitations on the asymptotic behavior of cross-sections
E.Karkaryan (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
B-mesons oscillations: applications of two-particle wave functions
D.Karlovets (ITMO Univ., St.Petersburg) |
Spatio-temporal description of photon emission processes in QED
A.Kataev (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
Fine structure of the perturbative series in gauge theories with fermions and the generalized Crewther relation
M.Katanaev (Steklov Inst., Moscow) |
Was there a Big Bang?
D.Kazakov (JINR, Dubna) |
Quantum corrections to cosmological potentials and the origin of the cosmological constant
P.Kazinski (Tomsk State Univ.) |
Coherent effects in scattering of particle wave packets
B.Kerbikov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Path integral bosonization of three flavor quark dynamics and Landau magnetization
V.Khiteev (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Wilson networks in AdS and global conformal blocks
N.Kolganov (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology & Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Nonequilibrium Schwinger-Keldysh formalism for mixed states: analytic properties and cosmological applications
A.Kotikov (JINR, Dubna) |
Bjorken sum rule with analytic coupling. Heavy quark contribution
A.Korybut (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
On z-dominance, shift symmetry and spin locality in higher-spin theory
N.Krasnikov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow & JINR, Dubna) |
Light dark matter. Theory and experiment
M.Krivoruchenko (Kurchatov Inst., Moscow) |
Gauge invariance of quantum electrodynamics of multi-electron atoms
E.Kriukova (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow & Moscow State Univ.) |
Contributions to inelastic proton bremsstrahlung related to Dirac and Pauli form factors
A.Kurov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
RG flow of projectable Horava gravity in 3+1 dimensions
M.Kuznetsov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
Cosmic particle of extreme energy and sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays
D.Lebedev (Inst. of Information Transmission Problems, Moscow) |
On matrix element representation of the GKZ hypergeometric functions
S.Lebedev (Surgut State Univ.) |
Spin radiation effects in classical and quantum electrodynamics
R.Lee (Budker Inst., Novosibirsk) |
QED amplitudes at high energies: factorization formulae and Frobenius expansion in mass
D.Levkov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow & ITMP Moscow State Univ.) |
Growth of axion stars
A.Litvinov (Skoltech, Moscow) |
Meson mass spectrum in QCD2 't Hooft's model
V.Lukash (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Cascade relaxation of the gravitational vacuum of the Universe
S.Lyakhovich (Tomsk State Univ.) |
General method for inclusion of Stuckelberg fields:
Covariant counterpart of Batalin-Fradkin conversion of Hamiltonian second class constraints
Yu.Makeenko (Inst. for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) |
Nambu-Goto string as a higher-derivative Liouville theory
S.Mandrygin (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
One-point thermal conformal blocks from four-point conformal integrals
V.Man'ko (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Probability representation of quantum states
V.Marachevsky (St.Petersburg State Univ.) |
Parity effects in the Casimir interaction
Y.Markov (Matrosov Inst., Irkutsk) |
Hamiltonian formalism for hard and soft excitations in a plasma with non-Abelian interaction
A.Marshakov (Skoltech & HSE Univ. & Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Strings, non-compact CY and N=2 Liouville theory
A.Mironov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Commutative subalgebras, integrable systems and matrix models: from W_{1+\infty} to quantum toroidal algebras
S.Mironov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
KK reduction of Horndeski theory and the speed of gravity
N.Misuna (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Unfolded formulation of Yang-Mills theory
E.Musaev (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology) |
Non-linear electrodynamics of exotic branes
D.Nesterov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Restricted gauge theory formalism and unimodular gravity
R.Nevzorov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Two-Component Dark Matter in the SE6SSM
N.Nikolaev (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka) |
Tests of Fundamental Symmetries at NICA
Yu.Obukhov (Nuclear Safety Inst., Moscow) |
Spin as detector for axion
A.Orlov (Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, Moscow) |
Sato approach and $\bar\partial$-problem in soliton theory
A.Ovchinnikov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
Lattice local integrable regularization of the Sine-Gordon model
A.Parkhomenko (Yaroslavl State Univ.) |
One-loop two-point fermionic diagrams in external electromagnetic fields in the Fock-Schwinger formalism
A.Parvan (JINR, Dubna & DFT IFIN-HH, Romania) |
Relativistic transformations for thermodynamic quantities
M.Pavlov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Differential equations for classical conformal blocks with heavy and light operators
Yu.Pismak (St.Petersburg State Univ.) |
Modeling the interaction of quantum fields with condensed matter in the framework of Symanzik approach
I.Pirozhenko (JINR, Dubna) |
Null branes and point sources
D.Ponomarev (ITMP Moscow State Univ.) |
New chiral higher-spin theories and double copy
K.Postnov (Sternberg Astronomical Inst., Moscow) |
Evidence for antistars from gamma-ray and cosmic-ray astrophysics
A.Pribytok (INFN, Padua, Italy; BIMSA and Tsinghua Univ., China) |
Superdeformed CP $\sigma$-models and Conformal limits
A.Reshetnyak (Tomsk State Pedagogical Univ. & Tomsk Politechnic Univ.) |
Covariant cubic vertices for interacting irreducible massless and massive higher spin fields
P.Satunin (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow) |
Breit-Wheeler process in electric field as double induced Schwinger effect
A.Shabad (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Axiomatic quantum electrodynamics: from causality to convexity of effective action
V.Shabaev (St.Petersburg State Univ. & Kurchatov Inst., Gatchina) |
How to access QED at a supercritical Coulomb field
I.Shapiro (Univ. Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil) |
Confinement of ghosts and stability in higher derivative quantum gravity
A.Sharapov (Tomsk State Univ.) |
Poisson gauge theory and symplectic groupoids
A.Shelepin (MIREA Univ., Moscow) |
Group-theoretical classification of orientable objects and particle phenomenology
S.Sibiryakov (McMaster Univ. & Perimeter Inst., Canada) |
Thermal false vacuum decay is not what it seems
S.Sidorov (JINR, Dubna) |
Dual superfield approach to supersymmetric mechanics with spin variables
A.Sleptsov (Inst. for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow & Inst. of Information Transmission Problems, Moscow & Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology) |
Kernel of $sl_N$ weight system and its application to Chern-Simons theory and knot invariants
A.Smilga (Univ. of Nantes, France) |
Chiral supersymmetric gauge theories and Cartan monopoles
S.Smolyansky (Saratov State Univ.) |
Nonperturbative kinetic approach in the strong field QCD (guark sector)
T.Snegirev (Tomsk State Univ. of Control Systems and Radioelectronics) |
Generalized fluid dynamics with non-relativistic conformal symmetries
P.Spirin (Moscow State Univ.) |
Gravitational bremsstrahlung in collisions of a pointlike particle with Nambu-Goto objects
K.Stepanyantz (Moscow State Univ.) |
All-loop results in supersymmetric theories for various renormalization prescriptions
S.Sushkov (Kazan Federal Univ.) |
A cosmological bounce in the theory of gravity with non-minimal derivative coupling
V.Tainov (JINR, Dubna) |
New gravity effects of ultra high energy scattering on classical potentials
A.Tarusov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Linearised analysis of the coxeter higher spin theory, II
V.Tolstoy (Skobeltsyn Inst., Moscow) |
New Z_2x...xZ_2- graded Lie superalgebras as cliffonic dressing of unitary and orthosymplectic Z_2-series
A.Toporensky (Sternberg Astronomical Inst., Moscow) |
Compactification scenario in Gauss-Bonnet gravity
P.Tretyakov (JINR, Dubna) |
Stress-energy tensor of gravitational waves in f(R)-gravity
A.Tseytlin (Lebedev Inst., Moscow & ITMP Moscow State Univ.) |
Quantum membranes and AdS/CFT duality
K.Ushakov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) |
Linearised analysis of the coxeter higher spin theory, I
S.Vernov (Skobeltsyn Inst., Moscow) |
New slow-roll equations for inflationary models with the Gauss-Bonnet term
A.Yung (St.Petersburg Nuclear Physics Inst.) |
Flowing between string vacua for the critical non-abelian vortex with deformation of N = 2 Liouville theory
N.Zaigraev (JINR, Dubna & Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology) |
N=2 higher-spin supercurrents
A.Zakharov (JINR, Dubna) |
Shadows of galactic centers
V.Zakharov (Inst. for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) |
Adler model for spin-3/2 field: some applications
Yu. Zinoviev (IHEP, Protvino) |
On the Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism in d=4
A.Zotov (Steklov Inst., Moscow) |
Non-ultralocal classical r-matrix structures in field analogues of integrable systems